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Together they [Bais Yehudah, (10:3)] shall be like gibborim, which tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the milchamah; and they shall fight, because Hashem is with them, and they shall overthrow the riders on susim.

And I will strengthen the Bais Yehudah, and I will save the Bais Yosef, and I will restore them; for I have rachamim upon them; and they shall be as though I had not rejected them; for I am Hashem Eloheihem, and I will answer them.

And they of Ephrayim shall be like a gibbor (mighty man), and their lev shall have simcha as through yayin; yea, their banim shall see, and have simcha, and their lev shall rejoice in Hashem.

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